Baby Science


Research shows that reading and responding to a baby’s cues are more important to brain development than structured learning activities.  Babies who feel understood tend to learn more easily, have...

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Not Your Mother’s Soft Smooth Skin

A father’s face, fully-bearded or 5 o’clock shadow,is quite a contrast to the smooth skin of a mother’s face or breast. You can almost hear the baby’s thoughts: “what on...

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Simple Gestures Make a Difference

A light massage, belly rub, a funny face, blowing bubbles, lullabies, looking in a mirror, and peek-a-boo all stimulate a child’s sense of wonder as they experience new emotional and...

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Playtime is Precious and Critical

Parents and Caregivers should never underestimate the importance of play. Playing with siblings and other babies helps build critical socialization skills.

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Stimulating Your Baby’s “Alone Brain”

Letting your baby spend time alone develops a new set of tools for self-soothing, self-stimulation, and just being present in a brand-new world. Everything is curious and interesting and encourages...

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Sibling Rivalries Build Resilience

One of the trickiest parts of effective parenting is manage the sibling dynamics. Competition for parents time and affection for older siblings can impact the development of healthy relationships form...

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Too Cute for Words

Parents and caregivers should make time just to take in the precious moments of life. Breathing exercises even while your baby is taking a nap, can forge closer bonds by...

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Who Doesn’t Love a Munchkin?

Caregiving is a 24-7 endeavor that takes never-ending vigilance and an inclination to worry: What am I doing wrong as a parent? Enjoy those special moments and contemplate one of...

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Multi-sensory Experience

Combinations of sound, sight, touch, smell and taste stimulate curiosity as each sense reach different parts of the brain

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Words Matter: Sticks and Stone

Today, MRI’s and other scans can confirm that the language we use has a strong impact on children’s brains.  Neuroscientists have discovered that just hearing “no” and other restrictive comments can...

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Managing Parental Expectations

It is very important to have an understanding of what behaviors children are capable of when.  Knowing developmental capacities can make parenting easier and growing up less stressful! We wouldn’t...

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A Smile Is All It Takes

A Smile Is All It Takes A smile, a silly giggle, a funny face, blinking eyes, reassuring facial gestures all stimulate and promote your baby’s brain development creating new neural...

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Fathers: Get Down on Your Knees and Play

Eye level contact is critical particularly for dads. Your baby sees mother’s at different heights and  angles as fathers. When you get down on the floor your baby is grounded...

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The Baby Body Pharms

Hormones in newborns: Like adults, babies have hormones that play crucial roles in their growth and development. Hormones such as insulin, growth hormone, thyroid hormone, and sex hormones (estrogen and...

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